Gareth Jamie Bevan, Man Who Trashed Conservative MP's Office Over S4C, Jailed

Tory Office Trasher Jailed

PRESS ASSOCIATION -- A man who trashed a Conservative MP's office in protest over funding cuts to a Welsh language TV station has been jailed.

Gareth Jamie Bevan, 35, appeared before magistrates after he refused to pay £1,000 in compensation and costs as well as obey a 28-day curfew.

That sentence was imposed last month following the break-in at the Tories' Cardiff North offices, which took place on the day Prime Minister David Cameron addressed delegates in the Welsh capital.

Bevan, of Merthyr Tydfil, said he had no intention of complying with the court's orders and insisted his actions were more than justified.

His address to District Judge Bodfan Jenkins, which saw him demand he either be set free or sent to prison, won a round of applause from 30 of his supporters in the public gallery.

Judge Jenkins said the defendant's non compliance had left him "no option" but to impose a custodial sentence.

Bevan said: "The politicians in London continue to ignore all the organisations and voices in Wales over S4C, they continue to insult our small nation.

"I didn't ignore the curfew for my own benefit. And neither do I refuse to pay for fines or costs for my own benefit.

"I protested and continue to protest out of principle, completely confident that I am doing the only thing I can under the undemocratic circumstances we face. We must push against the system if we are to see a real change which is for the benefit of our communities."

For the break-in, refusing to comply with a court order and breaching a conditional discharge for vandalising a Welsh Assembly building, Bevan was sentenced to seven days imprisonment.


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