Would These Party Logos Get Your Vote?

In Need Of A Redesign?

Political parties spend hundreds of thousands of pounds working on their branding image, but how appealing are they really?

Of the three parties, the Liberal Democrat logo proved the most enticing, according to a poll of branding experts carried out by marketing and communications recruiter, EMR, And they say the Conservatives and Labour are in need of a logo re-design.

The survey also asked 360 London marketing professionals to answer the question:

“How would you redesign the logos of the three main parties to make them more electable?”


Simon Bassett, managing director of EMR concluded that the two main parties needed to up their game with their logos:

“The tree proved only marginally more popular with marketing professionals than Labour’s rose, and lagged a considerable distance behind the Liberal Democrats’ logo".

Of all three main parties, Labour’s rose was considered the least attractive, receiving critical comments for its colour scheme and the starkness of the lone rose within a square red box.


The Conservative tree design fared little better. Norman Tebbit, the ex-Party Chairman, described it as “a bunch of broccoli" after the Party spent £40,000 in design fees. It was unveiled amid accusations that the design was "borrowed" from French centre-right party, Union pour un Mouvement Populaire.



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