Don't Start Your Diet On A Tuesday (And 5 More Ways To Stay On Track)

Don't Start Your Diet On A Tuesday (And 5 More Ways To Stay On Track)

Are you thinking of kick-starting your diet plan today? Well, don’t, warn the experts, because diets that begin on a Tuesday are more likely to flunk.

A study by Tesco Diets have discovered that dieters who begin their healthy eating plan on a Tuesday, tend to give up earlier than if they started it on a Sunday or Monday.

Out of the 2,000 Brits polled in the study, those who start their diet on a Sunday, lost an average of 8lb in three weeks, with 88% of them managing to keep the weight off. Saturday dieters were more likely to have a clear goal and dedication.

In fact, Tuesday diets are so unlucky, you might even end up heavier than when you first started! “Psychologically, dieters are more motivated to continue if they start afresh at the beginning of the week,” says a spokesman from the study.

Although Tuesday is the worst day to start a diet, Friday is the day when most people ditch the calorie counting, citing boredom, stress and lack of willpower as the reasons for giving up.

If you’re finding it hard to stick to a healthy, balanced diet, get some motivational tips and inspiration from our diet and nutrition experts Dr Khandee Ahnaimugan from The Weight Loss Doctor and Dr.James Stubbs, obesity researcher at Slimming World.
