The Best Light Therapies To Combat SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Five Ways To See The Light And Beat SAD

Mindful of the 7% of Brits currently in the throes of the 'winter depression' or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), we've compiled the best light therapy treatments available in the UK, to help bring a ray of sunshine to these otherwise dark days.

Following the lead from our Scandinavian counterparts - who have light cafes where SAD sufferers can go and top up their vitamin D with their cafe latte - we now have a much wider choice of SAD-beating therapies at our fingers tips.

Only today scientists discovered a new gadget which helps battle the SAD blues by shining a light, via an earphone, into the ear canal.

As 'light cafes' have not yet made it to Britain, here is a selection of effective light therapies to help combat SAD, that you can use in the comfort of your own home, or even at your local spa.
