Soyuz Astronauts Land In Kazakhstan - PHOTOS

Soyuz Astronauts Land in Kazakhstan - PHOTOS

The Soyuz astronauts have finally come back to earth after their 167 day stint on the international space station.

Mike Fossum, Satoshi Furukawa and Sergei Volkov landed in chilly Kazakhstan before sunrise on Tuesday, where they were greeted with warm blankets from the Russian ground crew.

Their trip back to earth took just three and a half hours, faster than many London daily commutes.

"The landing was great. Everything's good," said Volkov, flashing a thumbs-up signal on exit from the Soyuz TMA-02 capsule, according to The Guardian.

The Soyuz capsule landed on its side, and blackened from re-entry 55 miles (90km) north of the town Kazakh town of Arkalyk.

Sergei Volkov is the first second-generation cosmonaut and his family. His father Aleksandr was circling Earth in the space station Mir when the Soviet Union fell in 1991. He and Sergei Krikalev went up into space as Soviet citizens, and returned to Earth as Russian citizens.

The Soyuz's replacement crew docked with the international space station on November 16.


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