You Want The Moon On A Stick? You Can Have It On A Crane Instead (PHOTO)

You Want The Moon On A Stick? You Can Have It On A Crane Instead (PHOTO)

Is the pull of the sun really at the centre of our solar system? This clever photo seems to show the moon is actually supported by a crane.

Bruno Gerber spotted the strange syzygy from a friend's roof terrace in Bern, Switzerland and had to whip out the camera.

The 37-year-old lawyer said: "It was pure luck and being in the right place at the right time that I managed to capture this.

"I was at a birthday party on a roof terrace and one of the people there pointed out the moon rising with the Swiss Alps in the background.

"I noticed the crane in the foreground and I tried to make its hook and the moon align by getting in the right position.

"I needed a small step-ladder to get it just right."

He added: "I've had a lot of positive comments.

"The picture went viral. The construction company who own the crane even discovered it and found me so they could use it in their adverts.


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