Christmas Jumpers: From High Street To Vintage, The Best Knits For Students

The Three Breeds Of Christmas Jumper- Which One Are You?

The Christmas Jumper is a huge part of student life.

It is the staple of every student's wardrobe. Hidden under the bed or buried beneath a pile of fancy dress for most of the year, it is only given two weeks out of the year to shine in all its tacky, cliched glory.

Yet, failing to own a Christmas Jumper is a crime akin to handing your work in on time or staying in on a Saturday night.

Luckily, we're on hand to guide you through the perilous journey of choosing the right Christmas Jumper.

Play it safe, and opt for the All-Rounder.

This is a subtle version of The Original (see below). The All-Rounder doesn't need balls or a self-righteous sense of style to pull off. It can be paired with almost anything and you can even wear it post-Christmas season.

Those who opt for the safe-as-houses All-Rounder can usually be found being "lads" in the pub after a rugby "sesh", or working behind the till at Hollister.

If you're not ready for The Original, but you want to embrace more festive spirit than the afore-mentioned breed of Christmas Jumper, why not try The InBetweener?

This hybrid knit is perfect for men who are happy to nod to Christmas cheer but don't want to be commit social suicide and dive into The Original. Equally, for the fashion conscious female, The InBetweener nestles perfectly next to high-street fashion with a touch of granny-chic.

Those wearing the InBetweener are likely to be found cooing over the latest Topshop line or in Val Thorens on the uni ski trip.

But, if you turn your nose up at trends or your principles won't let you buy anything that's not second hand, then you are ready to embrace The Original.

Loud, unabashed and dazzling, The Original is an absolute cracker, harking back to the bygone era of bouffant hair and brash bomber jackets. Think George Michael, Bananarama and Fresh Prince of Bel Air (although yes, we know that was the 90s, but you get the drift).

Those sporting The Original can be found standing at the side of the dancefloor because they are too cool to dance or campaigning against fur - even though they secretly own a fur coat from their local vintage boutique.


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