David Beckham Strips Off To Model Underwear Collection For H&Amp;M

David Beckham Strips Off To Model Underwear Collection For H&Amp;M

Sometimes we love our job, purely because we get to stare at pictures like these and call it work. David Beckham has stripped off to model his debut Bodywear collection for H&M - and we think you'll agree, that the results are pretty impressive...

Becks in his pants. 'Nuff said. Photo courtesy of David Beckham for H&M.

(Not the actual collection, that's just men's underwear. It's very nice and everything - all monochrome and, erm, tight. When we say impressive, we're obviously referring to the toned torso of Golden Balls.)

David's debut range features nine pieces in total, with the focus on "fit, function, comfort and design." (Bare with us, we're attempting to be sensible about this.)

"David Beckham's debut Bodywear collection for H&M has quality and longevity at its core," reads the press release.

"The result of eighteen months of research and development, the collection aims to set a new standard in men's bodywear for the 21st century."

And this is just the start - there's more David Beckham for H&M to come. We're hoping that means more pictures like these:

*Warning. Buying your man David Beckham Bodywear does NOT guarantee the above results.


David Beckham Bodywear will land in selected H&M stores and online on 2nd February 2012 (just in time for Valentine's Day, nice.)

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