Larry The Downing Street Cat Celebrates One Year As 'Chief Mouser'

Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, Celebrates One Year In No.10

Happy anniversary to Larry the Downing Street cat, who has now been attempting to chase vermin out of No.10 for a year.

The Cameron's adopted Larry from Battersea Dogs and Cats home last year after journalists camped out opposite the prime minister's home spotted an increase in the number of mice scurrying in front of their cameras.

Following a barrage of questions to his official spokesman about whether No.10 would get a cat to sort out the problem ("is Dave more a dog person or a cat person", etc), Larry was announced as the newest member of the Cameron family.

However his year in the job has not been a complete success and he has faced calls to resign as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, his official title, after a mouse was spotted by cabinet ministers during a lunch with the prime minister.

Given the PM's push to crack down on binge drinking today, let's hope he doesn't get too sozzled on White Russians this evening.


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