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Iceland Invite Tourists To Dine At Eldhús

Iceland Invites The World Round For Dinner
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Iceland is inviting tourists from around the world to experience Icelandic food delights at Eldhús, also known as the ‘little house of food’.

Iceland became the first country in the world to open its doors to tourists last year, following a national address from President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson who encouraged hundreds of Icelanders to post their personal invites to the world.

This year, Icelandic residents are extending their invite by urging holidaymakers to tickle their taste buds and experience authentic Iceland food – with a twist.

Led by Head Chef Tom Sellers and his team of culinary geniuses, the built from scratch, Eldhús will be heading on its wheels and travelling across the most remote and extreme areas of Iceland seeking out the best of Icelandic fare.

Eldhús, means 'kitchen' in Icelandic and is translated as 'Fire House' in English.

Iceland are inviting tourists to dine in their intimate, one-of-a-kind dining experience which is complete with a turf roof and is 2 x 4.3 metres big. But you’ll have to be quick as it only seats six diners around one single table at a time!

Eldhús boasts its own Icelandic butler named Heimer, who’ll be on hand for all the guests needs.

Although the dining experience is available to the public from 7th March 2012, Iceland is opening its doors exclusively to food-loving tourists via the Iceland website.

Most famous for its hangikjöt dish of smoked lamb, Puffin meat, fermented shark, valreki (whale meat) and reindeer, Head Chef Tom is excited about cooking up some Icelandic gastronomic treats.

“I am exceedingly intrigued by Icelandic cooking. The people of Iceland are passionate about food but we don’t hear about it all that much outside of Iceland itself,” says Tom Sellers.

“They’re a creative country and by being creative with food we are beginning to see interesting food trends emerge. Traditional delicacies are clearly still important to their food culture but Icelandic food has taken a modern turn.

“They have access to some of the freshest ingredients in the world and the cooking is simply outstanding. Iceland should be proud of this and show the world what they can actually do.”

“In Fall 2011 we opened up our doors to tourists and shared unique experiences which you can’t find anywhere else in the world.

“Now with Eldhús and also our own kitchens, we have the wonderful opportunity to do this again and share the delights of our evolving food culture.” says Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir, from Visit Iceland and Promote Iceland.
