Launch Of Curzon On Demand Provides Another Way For Cinema-Goers To Enjoy Films

A Night In At The Cinema

You know that feeling, when a film comes out that you really want to see but it’s only showing at 22 cinemas – 15 of which are in London – and you live in Barnsley?

Well, you’re not alone and Curzon are trying their hardest to meet the needs of the avid cinema-goer – or would-be cinema goer, if only prices were lower and cinemas closer and babysitters more available - with the launch of Curzon On Demand.

"The unique thing about Curzon On Demand is that you can watch some new cinema releases at home, on the same day as their cinema release," explains CEO Philip Knatchbull. "We just had great success with this, releasing Aki Kaurismaki's latest film, the Cannes Palme D'Or nominated Le Havre, simultaneously in cinemas and on Curzon On Demand."

Unlike other film on-demand providers, you only pay for films you actually watch - £10 per new release, £4 for recent releases, £2 for older films - and there's no joining or monthly fee.

Their dramatic, tongue-in-cheek video trailer sums their plans up rather nicely, pledging to take you to a place of “unfettered film fantasy”.

It's all a very nice idea, but can anything really replace the buzz of - however expensive, or far - simply going to the cinema? And how does this compare to experiences of similar services? Let us know if you've come across any other similarly good-sounding ideas and we'll be sure to publish them, so other readers can share the unmatched joy of a box of popcorn and a good flick, whatever the surroundings.


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