Abedelbaset Ali al-Megrahi Dead: First Photos From Funeral Of Lockerbie Bomber (PICTURES)

Funeral For Lockerbie Bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi

Convicted terrorist Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi was buried on Monday in his home county of Libya.

Pallbearers carried his coffin, draped in a white sheet, during a ceremony in Janzur, a suburb west of the Libyan capital.

The 59-year-old died in Tripoli, his brother confirmed on Sunday.

Megrahi was sentenced to life in prison for the 1988 bombing of a US airliner over the Scottish town which claimed 270 lives.

He was released from jail on August 20 2009 on compassionate grounds after being diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and sent home to Tripoli with an estimated three months to live.

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Megrahi's death was announced on Sunday


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