Here at Huffington Post UK Comedy, we're not ashamed to say that the London Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville scare the s*** out of us, and we're not even children.
And the only thing scarier than Wenlock or Mandeville? One of Wenlock or Mandeville dressed up as a policeman:

Yes, the Olympic Wenlock policeman figurine is on sale on Amazon - and it's prompting some very, very funny reviews indeed.
We've picked out some of our favourite quotes from the reviews below - along with some pictures of Wenlock and Mandeville or Wenlock or Mandeville or Hang On Which Is Which Who Cares They're Both Terrifying Oh God We've Lost The Will To Live. To read more reviews, check them out on the Amazon site here.
All images except 3: Press Association
Image 3: Greater London Authority