When it comes to using an umbrella as a on-stage prop, the undisputed Queen is Rihanna, for obvious reasons.
And somehow we don't think Jennifer Lopez is in danger of taking that crown any time soon.

The singer took shelter underneath the teeniest-tiniest brolly ever (bar the paper ones you get in cocktails) during a storm on her Dance Again tour in Brazil.
Thankfully for her male fans, she didn't go as far as donning an anorak for her performance, still getting her impressive bod out despite the downpour.
What a trooper.
Her six-pack was on show for all to see in a glittery crop top and matching harem pants.

After the show, she took to her Twitter to thank her Brazilian fans.
"Unforgettable night in Recife to end our SA tour!! Eu amo Brasil! Y GRACIAS a todos los JLOVE!RS por todo SA!! LOS QUIERO! Hasta la proxima!" she wrote.
Nope, us neither.