A Hairy Gathering - British Beard And Moustache Championships (PICTURES)

A Hairy Gathering - British Beard and Moustache Championships (PICTURES)

Brighton brought out the sun for this year's British Beard and Moustache Championships which featured some of the best bewhiskered faces imaginable.

Around 100 contestants took to the stage in the sell-out event, flaunting not only their impressive facial hair but boisterous outfits ranging from brightly coloured vintage tweed to fully kitted out cavalry uniforms, with one competitor even donning a Victorian bathing suit.

British satirist known as "Atters" Attree hosted the show

Proceedings began with an hirsute parade through the town towards Brighton Dome where the judges presided over 11 categories of furry-faced individuals, ranging from students to doctors as well as a veteran spitfire pilot and a notable member of the Handlebar Club.

One contestant in the Natural Moustache category went as far as wearing just braces and nothing else, earning rapturous applause from the exuberant audience appreciating his bare-faced cheek. Only the judges gave a cautious warning - don't bend over.

Here are a few of the piliferous talents that were on show.......


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