English 'United' Against Mitt Romney, David Cameron Reported To Have Said

English 'United' Against Mitt Romney, David Cameron Reported To Have Said

It's a good thing for Mitt Romney the English do not have a vote in American elections, as they are "united" against him becoming the next president of the United States, David Cameron is reported to have said.

Speaking to the BBC's Marr programme on Sunday, American film producer Harvey Weinstein claimed the prime minister made the observation in the wake of the Republican candidate's gaffe-prone visit to London in July.

"Mitt Romney has that unique distinction of uniting all of England against him with his various remarks," Cameron is said to have told a group of people including Weinstein.

Romney's visit to Britain in July on the eve of the Olympics was largely overshadowed by his questioning of London's readiness to host the Games.

The comments led Cameron to rebuke the presidential candidate by poking fun at Romney's stewardship of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

"We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere," the prime minister said.

While Cameron's Conservative Party is historically linked to and supportive of the Republicans, many Tories have expressed support for Barack Obama.

During Romney's visit to London in July one cabinet minister explained: "Our head is with Romney, but our heart is with Obama."

With less than two months to go until election day on November 6, president Obama is leading Romney in both the national polls and in the electoral college vote.


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