More Research To Give Pregnant Women Nightmares! Snoring In Pregnancy 'Could Lead To Pre-Eclampsia'

More Research To Give Pregnant Women Nightmares! Snoring In Pregnancy 'Could Lead To Pre-Eclampsia'


Women who snore during pregnancy have a high risk of developing high blood pressure which can lead to pre-eclampsia, that's according to a new study.

Researchers from the University of Michigan monitored around 1,700 women and found around a quarter of them started snoring while pregnant.

These women had double the risk for high blood pressure compared to women who didn't snore. If left untreated, high blood pressure can develop into eclampsia, which can be life-threatening for you and your baby.

Writing in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, lead author, Dr Louise O'Brien, said: "We found that frequent snoring was playing a role in high blood pressure problems, even after we had accounted for other known risk factors.

"And we already know that high blood pressure in pregnancy, particularly pre-eclampsia, is associated with smaller babies, higher risks of pre-term birth or babies ending up in the ICU."

The study showed an association rather than a causal link. However, should it be shown, the researchers estimated around 19 per cent of pregnancy-related high blood pressure cases, and 11 per cent of pre-eclampsia cases could be helped by treating snoring, for example with CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure).

This involves a machine, worn during sleep, that uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open. It is possible that use of CPAP may decrease high blood pressure in pregnant women.

Hmmm! Playing devil's advocate here but we bet many pregnant women snore, just as many pregnant women have trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position or have to get up umpteen times a night to go to the loo.

What do you think?

Another snore piece of research to add to pregnant women's potential worries?
