Chris Brown is seldom out of the news, whether it's because his albums get stamped with 'This Man Beats Women' labels in record stores, or because he's being photographed in nightclubs NOT kissing Nicole Scherzinger.
Now the R&B star has taken matters into his own hands, with an uber-budgeted video for latest ditty Don't Judge Me.

Chris Brown - in love, but not happy, in his latest video for Don't Judge Me
It clearly shows the pain of a man - misunderstood and angst-ridden - who has evidently been caught out cheating on his one true love.
This all strays dangerously near the bone of his most notorious episode to date, his infamous fight with then-girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009, resulting in an assault case being brought against him.
Lyrics include "You're hearing rumours about me... everything I say right now is going to get used in a fight"

Don't you just hate it when your model girlfriend finds pictures of another girl on your phone? We've all been there
But he stays hopeful for a reunion - "Please don't judge me, and I won't judge you, because it could get ugly, before it gets beautiful."
The video takes a bizarre turn, however, with Brown joining the military, despite a frenzied reporter telling him he's making a suicide mission. The altruistic Brown is determined, however, to make the ultimate sacrifice, it seems.

What is HE doing? Just saving the planet... obviously
"I'm going to serve the country and my planet... it means saving the people I love and care about," he tells her, with a straight face, before jumping in a jet and heading off to divert... a missile? An alien? Something about to destroy the earth? It's basically Bruce-Willis-lite from Armageddon, but you get the idea. Chris Brown is no longer just out for himself.

Them's real tears, people...
While the song is undoubtably tuneful, some people may think the controversial star has got a bit carried away with his self-serving video message. All I can say is... it's certainly memorable, and sure to send Chris Brown's fans - and huge army of critics - into a fresh flutter of support, admiration and, quite possibly, more stickers.