Erik 'The Lizardman' Sprague Promotes New Book Like Only He Can...

Meet 'The Lizard Man' (PICTURES)

He's not your typical author, but then he's not even your typical tattoo addict either. In fact, there isn't much typical about Erik 'The Lizardman' Sprague at all.

The self-proclaimed 'freak show' from Texas who has done as much as humanly possible to turn himself into a lizard was photographed recently in Paris, helping to promote the 2013 edition of 'Le Big Livre de l'Incroyable' (The Big Book of the Incredible).

His body modifications include sharpened teeth, full-body tattoo of green scales, split tongue, subdermal implants and recently, green-inked lips.

The Big Book of the Incredible is a annual collection of fantastic facts and unbelievable real life stories.

Can't for the life us imagine why they wanted to work with him...

Think The Lizardman's tattoos are bad? Wait until you see this lot of 'body art'...


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