French police are preparing to arrest the paparazzi who may have taken the topless shots of the Duchess of Cambridge.
The Daily Mail reported that the the name of the photographer, who took the topless photos as Prince William and Kate holidayed at Chateau d’Autet in Provence in September, had been handed over to detectives.
The pictures showed sunbathing topless and changing her bikini bottoms on the sun terrace next to the swimming pool.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, on the royal couple's tour of the Far East
They were published in French Closer magazine, and then in numerous other countries, including Italy, Denmark and Ireland but no British paper published the pictures.
Prince William has allegedly been the driving force to push for a criminal investigation into the pictures.
If anyone is charged and found guilty of taking the pictures they could be jailed for up to one year and fined £36,000 pounds for breach of privacy, the Mail reported, quoting a source who said: "A name has been offered. The photographer is expected to be held for questioned imminently."

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrive in Marau, Guadacanal Province on their way to Tivanipupu
Laurence Pieau, the woman editor of French Closer, hired a freelance photographer to watch the couple, but is not obliged to name the paparazzi because she is entitled to protect her sources.
Marie-Christine Daubigney, French public prosecutor, said: ‘This new information regarding the photographer will be passed on to investigating magistrates.’