The Fire Brigades Union has launched a stark new campaign against cuts to the fire service, claiming the government's austerity measures could cost lives.
The advert, printed in national newspapers on Monday morning, shows George Osborne and David Cameron underneath the stark heading: 'They slash you burn'.

The FBU says cuts to the service will cost lives
Smaller text underneath states 6,000 more firefighters are to be cut and asks: "Fire service or funeral service? Let your MP know which you'd prefer."
It comes ahead of plans for the union to lobby MPs at Westminister on Wednesday over cuts to firefighters' jobs, pensions and working conditions.
A spokesman for the Fire Brigades Union told the Huffington Post UK: "The cuts will cost lives. In firefighting seconds count and a few seconds added to the response time can be the difference between saving a life or not saving a life.
"When you reduce the number of firefighters or firestations you lengthen the response times. If you do that there will be people who die, who otherwise could have been saved."
In a document accompanying the campaign and explaining their message, the FBU writes: "Savage cuts to the service now will put members of the public at great risk.
"People will die unnecessarily and suffer injuries which could have been avoided. Homes and businesses will be destroyed. We are raising the alarm – to protect the fire and rescue service.
"The fire and rescue service costs around £50 per person per year – exceptional value for money for a world class emergency service."