CS Lewis Facts: 11 Things You Never Knew About The Narnia Author

Happy Birthday CS Lewis!

Thursday marks 114 years since Narnia author CS Lewis was born. It's been a big couple of weeks for the late author, after it was announced on 22 November that he would posthumously join William Blake and John Keats in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey next year, to mark the 50th anniversary of his death.

Lewis was a prolific writer, thinker and academic way beyond The Narnia Chronicles, which are now Hollywood blockbusters. The author had a fascinating life, mingling with fellow famous authors, contributing controversially to a discourse on religion and race and even surviving one of the bloodiest battles of WW1.

So we decided to celebrate his birthday with a collection of illustrations from Lewis's best-loved children's books, some of whom drawn by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes, and 11 little-known facts about the author.

If you're a Lewis fan, let us know why in the comments below!


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