Maria Fowler Shows Off Post-Liposuction Body On Night Out (PICS)

Maria's Post-Lipo Body

Maria Fowler was recently given a new body thanks to liposuction and has wasted no time in showing off her sculpted figure after the procedure.

The former 'TOWIE' star unveiled her new look last night in a bodycon dress that clung to her curves.

Earlier this month, she underwent VASER liposuction to her back, armpits, stomach, thighs, and bum to take her to a size eight.

However, despite feeling confident as she headed to London's Cafe De Paris before carrying on to the Mayfair Hotel, she admitted she thought her body was still 'swollen' from the surgery.

She tweeted: "Had a brill night last night. Felt nice to be out that garment although my body is a bit swollen still! X x"

Maria revealed she was going under the knife in September, tweeting: "Just had my Pre Operative meeting with @MYA_Tweet I am officially booked in for Lipo in 3 weeks. It's going to look amazing. So excited x x."

She previously told The Sun: "I see paparazzi pics of me in a bikini and I think I look too big – I hate it."

While Maria was recuperating, she entertained herself by having a war of words with Katie Price.

Pricey kicked off at the star after Maria was spotted having dinner with her ex, Leandro Penna last week - something Katie called 'shameful'.

Katie initiated the fued by saying: "Did your set up photos go well with leo."

To which Maria quickly responded: "If you still spoke to me you would be more than updated with the goings on in my life Katie x x"

Continuing, Katie said: "Set up pictures with anyone is shameful didn't think your scoop that low no problem just what I've been told!"

Maria replied: "Lessons on how not to be shameful. Interesting. Maybe discussing in a less public manor would be more appropriate."

The argument continued, but Katie had the last word by saying: "Nothing more to say so bind your beak ..TTYN."


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