Flurry Report: More Than 1.7 Billion Apps Downloaded Over Christmas

Report: Staggering Number Of Apps Downloaded Over Christmas

We already knew that an awful lot of tablets and phones were activated over Christmas - but exactly how many, and the ton of apps downloaded to those devices, remained somewhat in the dark.

Now we now. And it's not just lots. It's lots and lots.

More than 1.7 billion apps were downloaded in the week after Christmas, according to a new report by Flurry - and 50 million devices were activated.

After sampling data from 260,000 apps running on iOS and Android devices, Flurry said that the numbers were the highest in history, and 65% higher than an average week.

On Christmas day alone more than 17.4 million devices were activated, and 328 million apps downloaded.

The top two countries were the US (34%) and China, followed by the UK with 132 million downloads.

The UK actually saw more than twice the number of apps downloaded than in the next nearest country - Germany, with 57 million.

Flurry said that it expects more than 52 billion apps to be downloaded worldwide in 2013, and expects to see a two billion app week in the fourth quarter.


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