As the sporting world reflects on The Biggest Cheat Ever Lance Armstrong making his mea culpa to Oprah Winfrey, an unidentified artist in Los Angeles has taken inspiration from the cyclist's spectacular fall from grace to create a new piece of graffiti.
Appearing overnight in LA's fashionable Melrose Avenue area, it depicts a cyclist wearing a yellow jersey - the traditional garb of the Tour De France leader, which Armstrong 'won' seven times in a row - whilst attached to an IV drip.

The stencil style and dry wit will make many people think of Banksy, but it has been confirmed to The Huffington Post by the artist's management that this is not the handiwork of the Bristolian.
With a film about Lance Armstrong's life already in the pipeline, it is, however, just the first in what could be a long line of artworks inspired by the American.