Princess Bride 'Inigo Montoya' T-Shirt Frightens Passengers On Qantas Flight (PICTURE)

'Hello, My Name Is Inigo Montoya, You Killed My Father Prepare To Die'

It's a swashbuckling romance that continues to enjoy cult status to this day, but a phrase from The Princess Bride apparently sparked a serious case of the heebie-jeebies among passengers on a New Zealand-bound flight this weekend.

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die," were the words murmured by a Spanish fencer shortly before he attempts to avenge his father's death.

They were also the words printed on the T-shirt of one Wynand Mullins, who was catching a flight from Sydney to Auckland on Sunday.

Wynand Mullins caused a stir when he wore this T-shirt on board a Qantas flight

Once on board, Mullins was approached by a flight attendant who said other passengers had complained of feeling intimidated by the phrase on his shirt.

Speaking to New Zealand's Stuff magazine, he revealed the "over the top" request was not defused by the laughter of another passenger who recognised the quote from the Rob Reiner film, and saw the attendant ask him to get changed.

Mullins didn't have any extra clothes and the attendant wasn't able to find a spare shirt so he was left in peace - although he claims the crew refused to make eye contact with him thereafter.

Scroll down to watch the scene that provided the inspiration for the Inigo Montoya T-shirt

He said: "I wouldn't be surprised if they had someone watching over me the whole time. The whole experience was a bit over the top, but also a bit comical."

According to the magazine the airline has no record of the incident, indicating it was handled by the crew and not taken any further.

While the Qantas website does not specify any onboard clothing standards, the airline has been the subject of a previous sartorial "incident".

CNN reports American Airlines has exceptionally strict dress policy standards and can refuse to transport you or remove you from your flight for reasons including "being clothed in a manner that would cause discomfort or offence to other passengers."

LOOK: "The Princess Bride" Cast, Then And Now


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