20 More Funny Punning Business Names (PICTURES)

LOOK: 20 Funny Punning Business Names

Here at HuffPost UK Comedy, we find nothing more rewording than a good pun.

And that's why, thanks to The Punning Man, we brought you 20 Brilliant Funny Punning Business Names last year.

But now: there's more! Oh, yes. From 'British Hairways' to 'Spruce Spring Clean', check out our collection of 20 more brilliant, silly, groanworthy, absolutely glorious punning business names, courtesy of The Punning Man and his team of eagle-eyed contributors.

And if that's not enough for you, pop over to The Punning Man's website for even more pics - and follow @thepunningman on Twitter. No, do. He's really punny.


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