You can always rely on Madonna to make a big impression and she did just that at this weekend's GLAAD Media Awards in New York - first by dressing as a boy scout and then by snogging the face off one of the most famous faces on US TV.
Madge donned the scout uniform to draw attention to what she sees as the Boy Scouts of America's 'f**ked-up' standpoint on LGBT rights and 'stupid rules' prohibiting openly gay people from serving.

"I wanted to be a boy scout, but they wouldn't let me join," she teased the audience at the start of her 12 minute speech. "I think that's f**ked up."
"I know how to pitch a tent, I have a very good sense of direction, I can rescue kittens from trees, I want to do good for the community, and most importantly, I know how to scout for boys," she joked.
She then went on to say she wanted to 'start a revolution' and showed her support for gay rights, saying: "Most people are not comfortable with things or people that they perceive as different from themselves, and I would wager that if we just took the time to get to know each other, did our own investigation, looked beneath the surface of things that we would find that we're not so different after all."

The singer then presented US news anchor Anderson Cooper - who came out in an open letter last July - with the prestigious Vito Russo award, before planting a smacker on the journalist.
After coming up for air, he said: "Do I have lipstick from Madonna on me? It's a first. Kissing a woman, that is."
He then praised Madonna for being "an extraordinary ally" of the LGBT community, before describing being gay as "one of the greatest blessings" of his life.