'The Blue Planet' Aquarium Designed To Resemble A Wave (VIDEO)

PICS: Incredible New Aquarium Designed To Resemble A Wave

Aquariums tend to be interesting buildings - being full of sharks, jellyfish and sea lions does that for a structure. But this one is better than most.

The new Blue Planet Aquarium in Copenhagen, designed by Danish studio 3XN, has just been opened to the public.

The spectacular building has been made to resemble a wave or a whirlpool, and from its position on the waterfront it appears to melt into the ocean.

It's made from a series of 'curved wings' according to Deezen.com, which mimic swirling water. Visitors enter a curved foyer with a glass ceiling with a pool above it, while more than 450 species of fish and other animals are housed within.

'Blue Planet' boasts more than 50 displays, which together use seven million gallons of water.

"The design of The Blue Planet is based on the story about water and life under the sea," said 3XN partner Kim Herforth Nielsen.

"We visualise the construction as a whirlpool which draws visitors into the depths to the fascinating experiences waiting among fish and sea animals from all over the world."

Check out photographer Adam Mørk's website for more pictures of the amazing structure.


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