A video titled "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate" has gone viral, reducing some viewers to tears and causing others to speak about their heartbreaking experiences of the education system.
The performance is the work of spoken word poet Suli Breaks who tells the story of a mother and son who have just been to a parents' evening at school. Breaks says: "Right now, there is a kid finishing parents' evening in a heated discussion with his mother. He asks why does he have to study subjects he will never use in his life?" - to which the mother has no real answer.
Throughout his act, Breaks explores the attitudes of today's society towards young people and exams. "She will lie because she does not know any better herself," Breaks says of the mother. "Although throughout her life she has never used or applied Pythagorus' theorem, pathetic fallacy and still does not know the value of x, she will still rely on society to tell her, her child, who has one of the sharpest minds in the school, is hyperactive, unfocused, easily distracted and wayward."
"Students," Breaks continues, "How many equations, subjects and dates did you revise just before an exam never to use again?"
The video has undoubtedly resonated with many, who have shown their appreciation by commenting on the YouTube video:

Sarah Anderson wrote: "Thank you so much. You had me in tears at the end... Your work is amazing and for the people who don't understand....... They will properly never will."

If you watch one thing today, make it this.
Stay tuned for an upcoming interview with Suli Breaks.