Fresh from their victories in last week's local elections, Ukip has received the celebrity backing of former Match of the Day presenter Des Lynam.
Lynam said on Friday: "I was delighted to cast my vote for Nigel Farage's team in Sussex, where I live."
The BBC TV legend has also, rather bizarrely, decided to rewrite the song 'Send in the Clowns'. The party will use the new version at its South East conference on 8 June.
Senior Tories including Ken Clarke famously dismissed Ukip as "clowns" in the run-up to the elections. Following the eurosceptic's stunning capture of 25% of the vote, Farage quipped it was time to "send in the clowns".
The Ukip leader complained that his party had been "abused" by the other political parties who had been left "shocked and stunned" by the rise of the insurgent party.
Des Lynam's 'Send in the Clowns' for Ukip:
We used to be rich
Now we are not
But here at last there’s a chance
To stop the all rot
Send in the Clowns.
Isn’t it bliss?
Don’t you approve?
They just kept tearing around
But they wouldn’t move
We need the clowns
Send in the clowns.
They’d never stopped
Opening our doors
Now you are learning
The vote that we wanted was yours
We’ll make our entrance again
With unusual flair
Sure of our lines
Well be right there.
We’ve had the farce
Their fault I fear
We know that you want what we want
No need to fear
They call us the clowns.
So send in the clowns
And give us a cheer.
What a surprise
Who could have thought
You’d come to feel about things
We felt you ought
Only now will they see
You’ve drifted our way
No surprise now
It’s no cliché
Isn’t it strange
Now they have fear
They’ve lost their timing this late
In their careers
And where are the clowns
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don’t bother we're here.