Henry Cooper floored Cassius Clay, later to be known universally as Muhammed Ali, in Round Four at Wembley Stadium 50 years ago today.
"Enry's 'Ammer" felled Clay in the dying seconds of the 1963 non-title fight's fourth round. Ali eloquently said later on British television Cooper "had hit me so hard that my ancestors in Africa felt it".
With Clay withering, his trainer Angelo Dundee opened a small tear in one of his gloves. When noticed by the referee, Clay was told he required a new pair of gloves and the fifth round was delayed.
Cooper insisted this delay lasted between from three and five minutes, although footage is inconclusive. Dundee illegally held smelling salts under Clay's nose during the delay as well.
Revived, Clay capitalised and Cooper was hit high on the face with a hard right which opened a severe cut under his eye. Referee Tommy Little stopped the fight and Clay was victorious.