GTA 5 Gameplay Trailer: Rockstar Reveals First Stunning In-Game Footage (VIDEO)

GTA 5 Gameplay Trailer: Rockstar Reveals First Stunning In-Game Footage

The first in-game footage of GTA 5 has been released by Rockstar ahead of the game's release in September.

And it's a stunning look at how the open-world crime simulator really works.

Previous screenshots released by Rockstar (see below) showcased the look and feel of the new game's landscape, characters, cars and activities - but did not show the action running directly as the player would see it.

The clip gives the first real look into how you will drive, run and shoot your way through a teeming, 'living' world in search of money, glory and mayhem.

Here are some of our favourite highlights from the video:

  • Mini-games including tennis, cycling, diving, hunting (of deer? or llamas?), bounty hunting, stock trading - you're not going to get bored in Los Santos
  • The graphics are ridiculously stunning. That Rockstar is getting this to work on Xbox 360 or PS3 is just incredible.
  • Customisation is a huge deal in GTA 5 - with cars, clothing and weapons all included with dozens of different options
  • Flight looks simple and fun, and kinetic
  • Lots of focus on game mechanics and how they've improved - driving and shooting in particular look tightened up and thoughtful
  • Trevor - the lunatic killer of the three protagonists - smashing a limb into a toilet is hideously disturbing. He's the wildcard here.
  • Cutting between vantage points mid-mission, to provide sniping support and escape routes looks neatly done - and is hopefully flexible enough to allow for new tactics
  • Out of mission character switching looks incredibly smooth and impressive - like Driver: San Francisco.

GTA 5 will be set in the huge landscape of Los Santos, incorporating not only the familiar city streets, back alleys and highways from previous entries in the series but also oceans, countryside and the air above all three.

Among the side activities accompanying the main story, told from three different perspectives, players will also be able to fly aircraft, play tennis, do yoga and go cycling in the hills.

Grand Theft Auto 5 will be released on 17 September for PS3 and Xbox 360. Versions for PC and next-gen consoles have not been announced

There's a lot of speculation that GTA5 will also be released for PC, Xbox One and PS4 - but Rockstar isn't telling us anything yet.

"We don’t have anything to share about the possibility of a next-gen or a PC platform release at this time and we are completely focused on delivering the best possible experience for the consoles people have right now," it said in a recent Q&A.

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