WATCH: John Travolta Proves He Can Still Bust A Move On The Dance Floor (VIDEO)

WATCH: John Travolta Proves He Can Still Bust A Move

John Travolta hasn't danced for such a long time, it's sometimes hard to remember he's the same person who cut up the dance floor in such hits as 'Saturday Night Fever', 'Staying Alive' and 'Grease'.

But he's taken us back in time, with an impromptu set, when the music got the better of him in Brazil on a recent trip.

WATCH the video above to see him in action - has he still got it?

The 59-year-old was one of the most celebrated dancers in the world during his 'Saturday Night Fever' days, but experienced a lull in his fortunes during the late 1980s/ early 1990s.

Quentin Tarantino brought this involuntary hiatus to end, when he cast Travolta in 'Pulp Fiction' in 1994. The film required Travolta to have a dance scene with Uma Thurman, and the actor once remembered that his director seemed unsure what to tell him to do.

There was no stopping John Travolta in 'Saturday Night Fever' in 1977

"Quentin recommended the Twist," Travolta told Vanity Fair earlier this year. "And I said, 'Well, Little Johnny Travolta won the Twist contest when I was eight years old, so I know every version. But you may add other novelty dances that were very special in the day.' He said, 'What do you mean?' I said, 'There was the Batman, the Hitchhiker, the Swim, as well as the Twist.' And I showed them to him, and he loved them. I said, 'I'll teach Uma the steps, and when you want to see a different step, call it out.'"

(Read Vanity Fair's complete oral history of 'Pulp Fiction' here... )


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