'Big Brother' contestant Daley Ojuederie has been removed from the house due to "threatening and aggressive" behaviour displayed towards fellow housemate Hazel O'Sullivan, it has been confirmed.
It followed a play fight with the Irish model in the compound's 'safe-house' on Sunday night, which saw Daley slap Hazel on the bum, grab her by the neck and pin her on a bed.

Daley Ojuederie
News of Daley's ejection was confirmed in a statement from Channel 5, which reads: "Due to threatening and aggressive behaviour towards Hazel, we have taken the decision to remove Daley from the Big Brother House."
During the incident, Daley said to Hazel: "Do you want me to go f**king mad now? Do you remember when I said, yeah, when I go mad it's f**king scary... doesn't mean I'm gonna hit you but it's scary s**t."
After Hazel told him to "go for it", he went on: "Have some respect for your f**king elders, yeah do you understand me… 'cos if you don't… I'll finish you... Respect your f**king elders, before I nut you one."
You can watch some of the incident in the video above.

Daley and Hazel have been romantically linked in the house
Both Daley and Hazel had received a warning from Big Brother in the early hours of Monday morning, with the decision to eject him made later that afternoon.
Daley and Hazel have been on the end of criticism from viewers and their fellow housemates about the nature of their flirty relationship, as he has a girlfriend on the outside world.
The pair were voted into private quarters away from the other housemates as part of a twist over the weekend.