A Rare Look Inside Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball's Home In The 1950s (PHOTOS)

WOW: A Rare Look Inside Lucille Ball's Home

Today, we're celebrating Lucille Ball's birthday with a look back at an adorable house tour featuring her and husband Desi Arnaz, circa mid-1950s. (We almost typed "Ricky Ricardo.") The couple was photographed at home doing all the normal couple things: Frolicking by the pool, playing cards, looking at each other through newspapers. You know, the usual. We walked away wondering just why we don't play cards anymore -- and how we can incorporate an upright piano in our house .

What do you think of this vintage peek inside Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball's home life?

lucille ball home

lucille ball home

lucille ball home

lucille ball home

lucille ball home

lucille ball house

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