8 Odd But Successful Business Ideas

From Pet Rocks To Doggles, What Odd Business Ideas Took Off?
(UNDATED FILE PHOTO): A dog wears the new Doggles, a new protective eyewear for dogs, in an undated photo. Doggles claim to protect dog's eyes from foreign objects, wind, and UV light. (Photo Courtesy of Doggles.com/Getty Images)
(UNDATED FILE PHOTO): A dog wears the new Doggles, a new protective eyewear for dogs, in an undated photo. Doggles claim to protect dog's eyes from foreign objects, wind, and UV light. (Photo Courtesy of Doggles.com/Getty Images)

With businesses still struggling, entrepreneurs have been getting creative.

Entrepreneurs have been getting more creative in order to succeed. Somehow, these weird and wonderful businesses managed to turn themselves into successful companies generating profits.

From pet rocks to cat hotels, here is HuffPost UK's tribute to some of the oddest yet successful businesses out there.


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