'Doctor Who' 50th Anniversary Celebrations - Peter Davison To Join Matt Smith, Tom Baker And Other Time Lords

New Names On The Bill For Doctor Who's 50th

The latest names to join in the celebrations for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary have been announced, with another Time Lord among them.

Peter Davison, who played the fifth Doctor from 1981 to 1984, will join Matt Smith, Sylvester McCoy, Tom Baker and Colin Baker at celebrations planned for the weekend Friday 22 to Sunday 24 November, in east London.

Come the era, come the man... Peter Davison 1981 to 1984

Also on the bill for the festival at ExCel London is the Director of An Unearthly Child (the first episode of Doctor Who), Waris Hussein.

William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, who starred as companions Ian and Susan alongside the first Doctor - William Hartnell - will be attending on Saturday 23 November.

Dick Mills (BBC Radiophonic Workshop), Mike Tucker and Mat Irvine (Classic Era Visual Effects) will also be on hand to facilitate some of the special features at the Celebration, which will be announced in more detail soon.

The Doctor Who 50th Celebration's opening hours will also be extended on Saturday evening so visitors can enjoy a free 2D simulcast screening of The Day Of The Doctor together.

Click here for more info.


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