So let's try and get this straight...
In America you can buy automatic weapons in Black Friday sales - but firing an imaginary bow and arrow can get you thrown out of school.
That's exactly what's happened to a 10-year-old student from Pennsylvania.

Not allowed, real or not
The school says the boy violated their zero-tolerance policy on weapons.
Defence attorney Jonna Spilbor told Fox News: "Here’s how ridiculous it is.
"If we’re going to punish this poor kid for pretending to shoot a bow and arrow, let’s ticket his parents for parking their unicorn in a fire zone."
Civil rights group, the Rutherford Institute has come to the boy's defence.
President, John W. Whitehead, said: "We all want to keep the schools safe, but I’d far prefer to see something credible done about actual threats, rather than this ongoing, senseless targeting of imaginary horseplay."