China Smog Sees Catwalk Models Don Surgical Masks (PICTURES)

Choking Levels Of Smog Cause Chinese Models To Cover-Up

No this isn’t the latest ‘Derelicte’ runway show (though there’ll be no surprises if the trend hits Fashion Week next year.)

Thick levels of air pollution in east China meant models were forced to wear surgical masks at a gold jewellery show in Jiangsu province at the weekend.

Levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) have reached as high as 40 times World Health Organisation limits, thanks to the country’s rapid urbanisation, economic development and climactic factors.

Models were forced to wear surgical masks during the catwalk show in Jiangsu province

The winter months in particular have seen cities across China hit by heavy smog, much of it caused by emissions from coal-burning power stations.

Media reports say the unnamed girl has become the mainland's youngest cancer patient, with her illness attributed directly to environmental factors.


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