Iraq Pictures Allege To Show US Marines Desecrating Corpses Of Insurgents In Fallujah (GRAPHIC)

Iraq Pictures Allege To Show US Marines Desecrating Corpses Of Iraqi Insurgents

Graphic pictures have emerged that allegedly show US marines in Iraq burning the corpses of insurgents.

The 41 photographs, which were acquired by the website TMZ, were purportedly taken in 2004 in the town of Fallujah, and allegedly show members of the American military setting fire to bodies using gasoline before posing next to the burned remains.


TMZ reports that marines even rifled through the pockets of the bodies.

According to the Guardian, the Marine Corps has launched an investigation in to the photographs. If the investigation decides a crime has been committed – burning bodies is against US military code – those involved could face prosecution.

US soldiers have been tried for similar acts in the past, notably Staff Sgt. Edward W. Deptola who in 2013 admitted to desecrating corpses in Afghanistan. Deptola was demoted and given a $500 fine.

Speaking to the Guardian, Pentagon spokesman and Navy commander Bill Speaks said it was important not to judge the military by the actions of a few.

“The actions depicted in these photos are not what we expect from our service members, nor do they represent the honourable and professional service of the more than 2.5 million Americans who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan.”



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