People Of Luton Dance To Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' And It's Utterly Joyous (VIDEO)

WATCH: People Of Luton Dance To Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' And It's Utterly Joyous

A tip of the hat to Museum Makers - "a brand new team, made up of members of the community, dedicated to saving, cherishing, running and recreating Wardown Park Museum" in Luton. Not just for the work that they're doing - but for making this utterly delightful, feelgood video.

Yes, plenty of people are making their own Pharrell Williams' 'Happy' videos - check out our slidehow of dances and covers below - but this one really does hit the spot. It's got little kids, elderly people, market stall holders, hospital staff... the lot. What's not to love?!


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