Budget 2014 Bingo Tweet From Grant Shapps Sends Twitter Into Meltdown

#LetThemEatBingo Tweet From Shapps Is Just The Worst

Bingo-gate could be the next pasty-gate.

After a surprisingly uneventful Budget, George Osborne must have thought he could rest easy tonight.

He didn't reckon on Grant Shapps.

The Tory chairman tweeted an unhelpful image on Wednesday night, with the caption: "Budget 2014 cuts bingo & beer tax helping hardworking people do more of the things they enjoy. RT to spread the word."

Osborne had announced that taxes on bingo halls are to be halved, from 20% to 10%, and beer duty would be cut by a penny.

It was prompted by the fact that the number of bingo halls had "plummeted by three quarters over the last 30 years".

And, probably, because the Tories thought it might be an attractive bonus for the working class, sorry, "hard working people".

The tweet could not have gone down worse.

The story continues after the slideshow...

Smelling blood, the Labour politicians piled in, and began the hashtag #LetThemEatBingo.


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