Well, that's one way to get an employer's attention.
Hungry for a internship and rather nifty on the old computer, Leah Bowman set out to create a CV with a difference... using Lego.
The 20-year-old created a mini Lego doppelgänger of herself to send to marketing and advertising firms. And, frankly, if she doesn't land a job, we'll eat our hats.

"Build the perfect Account Service intern," reads the poster accompanying "Leah Intern" Lego sets.
And the application certainly seems to be attracting attention. Since posting an image of her finished product to Reddit earlier this week, she has had more than 2,300 comments and counting.
Speaking to The Huffington Post, Leah explained that the Lego mini-me idea first came to her, when one advertising agency asked candidates to "create a piece of persuasive advertising with you as the product" for an application to a summer internship.
"I've been applying to lots of summer internships this spring break," she said. "I wanted to send out something of my own that would really highlight and differentiate me as a candidate."
Although the CV may look complicated, Leah says the whole process took her about 48 hours. Which is pretty impressive.
Leah used Lego's Digital Designer to create a model of her Lego self, before rummaging through her dad's Lego collection to find the parts needed. She then purchased more Lego pieces online to create sets for other internship applications. The whole process took her about 48 hours, she said.