Daily Mail And Daily Telegraph Admit They DO Believe In Man-Made Climate Change

Mail And Telegraph Admit They DO Believe In Man-Made Climate Change

The Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail have told a committee of MPs that their editorial boards do believe climate change is happening and that human beings have a role in causing it.

This may come as a surprise to their readers.

Both papers have hosted comments and columns from the Global Warming Policy Foundation, the climate sceptic lobby group set up by Lord Lawson, a famed denier of manmade climate change.

In the Daily Mail, Richard Littlejohn rants about the " less than compelling" case for climate change.

Humans ARE contributing to climate change, the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have admitted

In the Daily Telegraph, James Delingpole, perhaps Britain's best known climate change sceptic, blogged for years on the "crazy climate change obsession". Christopher Booker, too, has written columns on doubts he has about the "warmist" movement.

And it is not just the columnists. The Mail has published several articles on claims that man is not responsible for climate change, including "doubts" cast on the science by David Cameron's "green guru" Steve Hilton.

"Climate change is an uncertain science" says one headline in the Daily Telegraph.

But it appears this opinions are not shared by their editorial boards.

The Guardian has published the papers' submissions to the science and technology committee, which is reviewing the communication of climate science in the media and elsewhere.

The Mail said it knew there were "very few serious scientists who deny the climate is changing."

The paper's editorial line is that: "The climate is always changing and the vast majority of climate scientists believe there is a significant human impact on it although they disagree about the pace and effects.

"Climate scientists are unlikely to write papers saying climate change is not happening."

The Telegraph's editors said the paper "believes that the climate is changing, that the reason for that change includes human activity, but that human ingenuity and adaptability should not be ignored in favour of economically damaging prescriptions."

Delingpole has since left the Telegraph's blog rostrum to be the London editor of right-wing site Breitbart.

Climate minister, Greg Barker, said the BBC also bore some of the blame for allowing climate sceptics, including Lord Lawson, airtime.

"I think we need the BBC to look very hard, particularly at whether or not they are getting the balance right. I don't think they are," he told the MPs.

The committee's report will be published tomorrow.

On Monday, the UN's panel of experts published the most comprehensive review of climate change to date. It warned that the impact of a changing climate is already being felt, and that the phenomena has been fuelling war, hastening natural disasters, causing the extinction of species and threatens to drag societies back into poverty.

Michel Jarraud, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organisation said the IPCC report showed that "now, ignorance is no longer a good excuse" for inaction to tackle the threat.


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