MEP Candidate Julia Gasper Backed By English Democrats For Views On World Aids Day And Gays

MEP Candidate Slams World Aids Day For 'Spreading The Disease'

An MEP candidate who complained there are "too many gay people" in positions of power, and criticised World Aids Day for "spreading the disease" has been backed by her party.

Dr Julia Gasper is a former Ukip chair in Oxford who is now standing as a MEP candidate in South East England for the English Democrats.

She has also previously called for gay dating app Grindr to be banned and wrote a paper 'The Myth of the Homocaust' accusing Gay History Month organisers of exaggerating the persecution of gay people in the Holocaust, with the message "Move over, Anne Frank, we are the real victims."

Julia Gasper, the English Democrats' MEP candidate for South East England

“Every year we have a special day to celebrate AIDS and congratulate all those people who have done the most sterling work spreading this disease world-wide. It has been another year of glorious global achievement," she posted in her blog in December last year.

"But according to official statements... there are still some people who are not doing enough to promote and maximize this disease. These people are called “heterosexuals” and they display a bigoted preference for partners of the opposite sex, sometimes remaining with one for a lifetime.”

“Coming soon…a World Day of Thanks for Lung Cancer. Smokers will be Marching in Pride.”

In another blog published last month, Gasper said of parliament's gay MPs: "They are only 1.5% of the population, a proportion that justifies about 10 MPs in total, yet there seem to be hundreds of them, all in important positions and giving each other favours. That is a violation of democracy."

English Democrats spokesman and MEP candidate Steve Uncles said Gasper was "factually correct".

"I don't think people should be persecuted for their sexuality in any way but I think what we want is a certain amount of subtleness about things and a certain amount of discreteness," he added, speaking to the BBC.

There was a greater proportion of homosexuals in the House of Commons, he claimed.

Gasper quit as a chair of Ukip's Oxford branch to save her party further embarrassment, after it was revealed she branded gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and claimed some homosexuals prefer sex with animals on an official party forum.


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