You Can Buy A Pint Online For The Man Who Called Nigel Farage A W**ker

You Can Buy This Man A Pint

It looks like the man who called Nigel Farage a w**nker live on BBC News will never have to pay for a pint of beer again.

The Bell Inn in Bath, near to where the incident happened on Tuesday, has set up a website where people can donate to the man known as Gary. The pub has christened the hand gesture the "Farage Wave".

It explains: "Due to popular demand we have set up a paypal donation page for the originator of the 'Farage Wave'."

So far Gary has been given £370, which is enough for around 100 pints.

Farage had attempted to launch Ukip's South West European election campaign from the pub. But the pub's manager, Jamie Matthews, kicked him and the cameras out.

He wrote on Facebook at the time: "Just had Ukip leader Nigel Farage and his be-suited henchmen in the pub with a BBC News film crew.

"Avoiding any actual political argument, I told him that he was welcome as a citizen to have a pint – we are, after all, a public house – but it was inappropriate for him to be using our premises for his hustings. I asked the camera man to stop filming."

Farage also had a run in with an egg this week.


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