Conchita Wurst: Eurovision 2014 Winner's Beard Takes The Internet by Storm (PICTURES)

PHOTOS: Conchita Wurst's Beard Takes The Internet by Storm

Conchita Wurst, a bearded drag act from Austria won the Eurovision Song Contest with her song 'Rise Like a Phoenix' and then instantly took the internet by storm.

The controversial Austrian who's real name is Thomas Neuwirth, is one of the most popular winners to take home the trophy, speaking at the press conference after, Wurst said "I felt like tonight Europe showed that we are a community of respect and tolerance."

Moments after the win, a bearded Russell Brand took to twitter, posting a picture of himself in a bright green dress and tweeted "I'm knackered - but what a great night. #Eurovision"

Will her beard start a new trend amongst men and women? Well, photoshop experts certainly hope so.

Here's 18 images of celebrities, MPs, Prince George, Kate Middleton and even Queen Elizabeth sporting the 'Conchita Beard'.


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