Britain First's latest recruitment drive hit an embarrassing stumbling block Wednesday after a bizarre chain of events saw the far-right group fail in their attempts to get their party leader arrested.
Members of the pseudo-militia group Britain First have posted an amateurish video of themselves hovering outside a police station waiting to get arrested.
The group boastfully posted on Facebook Wednesday that party leader and former BNP councillor, Paul Golding, had apparently been arrested after he and some Kent and London "battalion activists" turned up at Bexleyheath Police Station.
Interestingly, The Huffington Post UK was told by the Met Police that no arrests have actually been made and that although a man in his 30s turned up at a station asking to speak to officers, he left a free man.

The attention-seeking protest was in response to The Metropolitan Police raiding two different addresses after the group "invaded" a mosque in south east London because they objected to the building’s separate entrances.
In the video, Golding, surrounded by his honchos, argues "This just goes to show how happy police are to appease Islam in this country. They're bending over backwards to appease them."
"I am about to be arrested," he states, with a sombre gaze to the camera.
"In this game... in this line of business.. quite frankly, I am going to get arrested and face danger, I accept that, I accept that burden and I'm quite proud that I'm doing what I'm doing, standing up for our country, fighting militant Islam in this country."
"All our activists are putting themselves in the line of danger to protect you and your children and your grandchildren," he adds, pointing at the camera.
'We're quite happy to bare the brunt of the state coming down on us like a tonne of bricks and danger from Islam because someone needs to do it, someone needs to stand up for our country."
The group has also tweeted and posted a separate blog about the apparent arrest.
In it, the group proudly write this is the fourth time this year that the party leader has been arrested, and then asks for money to support their cause.
But the Met told HuffPostUK: "A man in his 30’s voluntarily turned up at a south London police station during the afternoon of 16 July 2014 to speak with officers. He was not arrested but was interviewed under caution by officers.
"No other persons were interviewed. There was no warrant out for the man’s arrest."
Regarding Golding's non-existent arrest, Deputy leader Andy McBride wrote:
Is Mr Golding proud of these brave actions? Yes, absolutely!
Confronting terrorists and hate preachers is a necessary undertaking to protect our people.
The question is, while our leaders are facing extreme danger and harassment from the State, what are you doing to help the British fightback?
This latest outrage at the hands of the police should inspire every true patriot to join the ranks of the Britain First movement immediately!
Unless you personally take a stand for your country, all will be lost - fact.
Joining Britain First means you will take your place in the true resistance movement and help build a future for your children and grand-children.
Joining online is as little as £15 and you will receive a Britain First lapel badge, a membership card and 5 magazines per year.
The portly paramilitary-clothed activists barged into a Mosque earlier this week to "inform the Imams that they have exactly 7 days to remove sexist, segregationist signs from outside their building, or we will”.
READ MORE: Britain First's Facebook Page Banned For 'Hate Speech'... Then Put Back Just An Hour Later
Like many places of worships, the North West Kent Muslim Association conducts acts of worship on the basis of gender separation.
But, the Britain First "Kent battalion activists" were seen forcefully telling one elderly man at the mosque that they "object" to the signs.
"In this country we have equality," one member says, as the Muslim man protests over the group refusing to take off their shoes in the place of worship.
"When you respect women, we'll respect your mosques," they argue.
They then demand the mosque "cover up" a cross on the front of the building, saying "it's offensive to Christians… you don't believe in Jesus."
A statement on the group’s website under the headline "Britain First Activists invade Crayford mosque", said: "Islam treats and views women as second class citizens.
"Britain First will not allow Islam to drag our standards back to the 7th Century."
The controversial group is led by Golding, while their political guru, Jim Dowson - a hardline evangelical anti-abortion activist - was previously in charge of BNP finances.
In a recent interview with Channel Four News, Dowson admitted to pursuing a "holy war" on the streets of Britain.
Syed Alam volunteers at the mosque, which has signs reading "Brothers only" and "Sisters only" above two gates either side of the main door.
He told News Shopper that five men and one woman from Britain First stayed for up to 10 minutes harassing a handful of members who were there.
"They are filthy people creating trouble in our society," he said.
"They were very aggressive and threatening. The signs are our religious policy.
"They are making trouble for nothing. We have been here since 1997 and we have good relations with local people."
Britain First is the most active far-right group to emerge from the collapse of the BNP and EDL over the last year.
The group's Facebook page has more than 350,000 “likes” - making it more popular than the Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats, and arguably making it the UK's biggest political Facebook site.
Files released by the Hope Not Hate group suggest that as many as 2 million people could be interacting with Britain First content online each day.
However, behind the social media facade apparently lies a small but dangerous group of religious fundamentalists intent on starting a holy war" on the streets of Britain, according to a recent report.
Hope Not Hate claim the group has links to far-right protestant extremism and Northern Irish terrorism.