The ‘Big Brother’ house could be closing its doors sooner than planned, after it’s been reported the show could be grinding to a halt due to health and safety issues, with a number of housemates falling ill over the past few days.
Kimberly Kisselovich left the house for health reasons just over a week ago, and it’s still not known what caused her illness.

The 'BB' house
Since then, two more housemates have complained that they’re feeling under the weather and show bosses are reportedly worried that it could be due to poor living conditions in the ‘BB’ house, according to the Daily Star.
Insiders are now reportedly fearful that the house could even be shut down before the final, which is due to take place in just two weeks.
Meanwhile the Daily Star thinks the root of the problem might be… dirty kecks.
No, seriously, they reckon that one housemate is leaving dirty pants lying around in people’s beds, which is creating an unhygienic environment and could be the reason that both Helen and Chris have complained of illness in the past few days, following Kimberly’s exit.

The 'BB' bedroom, where the offending pants were first discovered
Following his eviction from the house over the weekend, ex-housemate Steven Goode slammed the living conditions in the ‘BB’ compound, complaining: “It's proper filthy in there. There's food lying around everywhere. It stinks. And someone is leaving these s****y pants and knickers around. We are trying to narrow down the suspects. It's disgusting.”
Speaking about the pants issue, a spokesperson for the Health and Safety Executive said: “While we have no legislation for dirty pants, it is something the studios should assess and deal with appropriately.”
With just two weeks to go until the final is due to take place, we think bringing the series to a premature end would be seriously… well… pants.
This is just the latest hygiene issue to hit the 'house, as the Daily Star claim the Borehamwood bungalow has already come under siege from "giant rats", while Kimberly and Steven were shown engaging in sex acts in the 'BB' bedroom while the other housemates slept.